Friday 18 September 2015

Roasted carrots with thyme (GAPS)

Oven-roasted young carrots seasoned with fresh thyme

The latest bunched carrots had nice and thin young carrots among them, perfect for roasting in whole for a great side dish that goes well with almost everything.

You will need:
young carrots
2 tbsp duck fat
3 tbsp fresh thyme leaves

1. Prepare the carrots: cut off the greens, leave a bit of stems on top, do not peel just wash and brush.
2. Parboil the prepared carrots for about 3 to 4 mins.
3. Put hot carrots in a mixing bowl, add the duck fat, let it melt completely, then season with 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves.
4. Arrange seasoned carrot in a baking dish, dribble the duck fat from the bowl.
5. Place it in a preheated oven and bake at 180 C for about 30 to 45 mins.

Tip: For VEGAN version use coconut oil instead of the duck fat.

[i] For more GAPS recipe ideas please visit my GAPS recipes selection.


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